Thursday 27 April 2017

Scented Terrarium

“Scented terrarium spreads natural fragrance inside the room which also repels mosquitoes”

We all know Terrarium as a beautiful indoor garden in a glass container. Containers of different shape and size are used for making terrariums.  Most of the indoor plants, succulents and ferns are suitable for using in it.  Water consumption rate of a terrarium is nominal and it is really a maintenance free system. It can be placed anywhere inside the house. The indoor plants in the terrarium absorb the toxic gases formed in the room and purify the air. It is a blessing to the apartment dwellers to plant and nurture their favorite plants inside their house. The popularity of terrariums is increasing day by day in Kerala.

                ‘Terrarium India’ the famous terrarium producer in Thiruvananthapuram has recently introduced scented terrarium in which fragrant medicinal plants are used. There are so many fragrant plants around us like Mint varieties, lemon grass, scented Geranium, Basil, Eucalyptus and more. The scented terrarium spreads natural fragrances around it.  These fragrant plants are best air freshener and also capable of repelling mosquitoes.  Scented terrarium is really a multipurpose home decor product which benefits so many ways to us.(Terrarium India, Ph. 919387735697)

                                     Own a Terrarium with proud.

All types of terrariums, Paludariums, Vivariums and saplings of leafy greens like Chaya mansa and Ilachembu are available @ Keralaponics. Email; , Ph; 9387735697.


  1. Terrarium India has introduced 'Scented terrariums' which are using fragrant plants instead of ordinary plants. Scented Terrarium is a revolution in terrarium making. The fragrant plants in a Scented terrarium spread natural fragrance around it. It is also act as a best mosquito repellent.

  2. Dear Mr. Sreedharan,
    Please let me the cost of Scented Terrariums. My home in Calicut District, Vadakara. email id

