Monday 18 April 2022

White Peony Lotus


White peony is an eye-catching white, tall, multi petal lotus. This heavy bloomer lotus has large flowers. The light green shade in the center petals adds beauty to the white peony lotus.


Planting Lotus

Plant your tuber in a wide shallow container (24” diameter or higher) in size. Fill 2/3 of the container with loamy soil (top soil can be used). Care should be taken to avoid stones, pebbles and any hard materials from the soil before filling. It is better to filter the soil for avoiding stones, pebbles etc. Digg a small trench in a side of the container cover it with soil after placing the tuber. Not to cover growing tip of the tuber, leaving it to exposed.

How to Fertilize

Within two weeks your lotus has aerial leaves, it is the best time for fertilize your lotus. DAP or NPK mixtures can be apply 5grams in 14 days interval.

Happy Gardening.


Lotus tubers, water lily seedling and mature plants are available for sale @ Keralaponics Lotus Farm/thamarappadam.  Please visit, like, comment and share our Facebook page.




1 comment:

  1. I am introducing the lovely White peony lotus. As a heavy bloomer it gives large tall white enchanting flowers regularly. It is a must to include white peony lotus in your garden.
